Director of Rehabilitation 

Gary Fite is the Director of Rehabilitation and has been with Pershing Health System for 47 years. When asked what he wants people to know about Pershing, Gary stated, “I have been a patient in only a couple hospitals,  but have worked in over a dozen in Missouri, Illinois, Texas and Kansas. I know the slogan “Let the people who care about you care for you”  is not just a slogan at PHS.

Other questions we asked:

What do you like best about your position at Pershing?The tremendous staff I get to work with. The system wide dedication. The high levels of communication and cooperation.

Describe one of your heroes?
Walt Rabinoff was an engineer for NASA and has a number of presidential medals in appreciation for his contribution to the Apollo Space Program.  As that wound down, he became CEO of a company that contracted PT, OT, Respiratory therapy services as well as Cardiology consultation services to, underserved , mostly rural hospitals. That is how I met him. When contract services became less utilized in the late 1980’s he started his own medical equipment and supply company. I have admired his ability to adapt at such a high level.

What is something that you would like to learn how to do?
Weld competently, raise cattle profitably. Win at chess

What is something most people don’t know about you?
I grew up on a 110-acre dairy farm outside St Joseph, Mo.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Goof around on the farm. Clear 4 wheeler trails, feed the fish, cut fire wood, some woodworking. Hanging out with Jo and the grandkids.